The Company

Founded on May 25, 2016, Pressure Sea Company is a company with expertise in all areas of underwater services, literally diving itself in all aspects of the development of operations, technical inspections  and underwater technical services, with a vast professional experience, verified and acquired in practice by its founder and cofounders each having a deep professional knowledge in the area of ​​industrial engineering, consulting, dredging operations and maritime construction, inshore and offshore underwater technical services. Having in this sum of experiences and knowledge the consolidation of an efficient company in its segment and operations, being able to perform its services in the widest ranges of underwater works with excellence, safety, and punctuality, seeking the continuous development and absorption of safety technologies in operations and projects.



The Pressure Sea Company has as its vision and goal, to be a company with professional excellence and synonym of security. Following  the letter the requirements of quality and punctuality in the execution of services with operational capacity, transparency, honesty and professionalism with an emphasis on the goals of our clients and projects.



We have in our essence the appreciation of ethics, human values, and professional, trust, transparency, credibility. Aggregated to environmental responsibility, safety, compromising with the standards and team spirit. The junction of these factors is essential for the proper functioning of the company and to achieve the best result.



The Pressure Sea Company is a company focused on respect and commitment to the environment and operational sustainability, directed to meet the needs and demands of our customers and environmental projects. Keeping in high performance with agility, responsibility, technology, and safety. For a better implementation and service the needs of our clients and projects, aiming at the constant adaptation of technology in our operations.